Defenition of Sucky (repost from long ago)
I put this up as something funny on a friends blog a long while ago. I decided to repost it. It comes in parts, This is part 1, so read this first.
***definition of sucky***
Um.... My sixth character died in gaming last night. I suck! You knowwhat? my gaming has been flawless really I am just jinxed by ladyluck. It also wouldn't help that my gm is the god of anti-fun
.1st char- Divinus Magus (mage duh) your basic wizard non specialist. Icouldn't make it to gaming one week and they put me into the back ofthe party and I was torn in half by two sphinxes. wtf!
2nd char- Aristos (sorcerer) decided that it would be neat to play asorcerer. Though I didn't get to play one very long. We went down intoa cave where we were attacked by vampires. Now, I was far away fromthe combat getting some spells ready when the vampire shot a lightningbolt though the entire party. Being a sorcerer with low hp and thefact that I suck, (suckyness gives a modifier of -5 to dice rolls) Iwas fried instantly along with all the stuff I was carrying.
3rd char- Crassius (half dragon fighter) This was my uber character.For the first time ever I had rolled an 18 in a stat roll which Iimmediatly applied to my strength. The half dragon template rocked. Ifigured I could take the 2 level penalty and go with something thatcould have whooped everyone in the party put together. However, the dm(Mr. crappy pants) decided that it was to powerful of a char, so helessened the effect of my breath weapon attack, decided that Icouldn't fly, and gave me a 3 level penalty instead. There were nowords for what I wanted to do at that point. Even so, the characterbeing a straight fighter would make it a bit better to play so I wentalong with it. So I was rockin along whoopin some ass. nothing couldstand up to my char. He could do anything, well except fly and do anacceptable breath attack. So a couple of weeks later we entered thistomb of some undead giant thingy. The stupid dwarf (played by theperson who actually informed the gm that my char might have been alittle to powerful hence involking the gm's wrath) charged at the twocorpses at the giants feet (since the giant could raise dead) He wasgoing to bring them back out of the range of the giant. Well doesn'tthe monk from our party tumble in, take the bodies, and tumble outleaving the dwarf completly useless and vulnerable. So being thecourageous person that I am (thank you) rushed in to try to save thestupid critter but I had to run around a whole bunch of stuff so Iwasn't anywhere near the dwarf, the giant, or anywhere relevent. Thenext turn was the giants, and what does it do? Logically attack thedwarf which is its most apparent threat and easiest to attack? No! Itmoves around him (wtf) and just touches me btw my touch AC is 20 (dex+ natural armor, Huzza!) Brand, the Gm, rolled a natural 20 (easy whenyou have weighted dice) and I (without being given any kind of savingthrough) became soul sucked into the stupid undead giants hand.Unrezable and unrecoverable because they couldn't figure out a way todo it. (i'm miffed with this one)
4th char- (forgot his name, you'll see why) I decided to play a thief.He was pretty good, not too bad stats. He was part of the thievesguild could bluff his way out of hell if he wanted to. He got anamazing introduction to the groop too. Something my other charactershad been lacking. they pretty much just showed up. He was releasedfrom prison on the virge of execution into the supervision of theparty because the party needed someone to do sneeky, searchy, and trapdissarmy stuff. So...The first session of gaming I'm playing him we godown into this dungeon and get finds a trap. he attempts to dissabledevice, fails, rolls a reflex save for the dart flying towards him,fails, rolls a fortitude save to resist the poison, fails by 1 point(the dc was 30 btw) and dies instantly. I now hold the record for theleast amount of gaming time on a character.
5th char- Glim Underbough (thief again) I figured that I hadn't hadenough time as a thief to actually have experienced being a thief. Iknew perfectly well how to die as a thief. Had that one covered. So Imade up as close to the last char as possible but I took the featstrong soul which gives +2 to all saving throws. I figured I neededit. This char turned out to be amazing given the brevity of his life.He managed to steal pipe weed from Elminster himself! FreekingElminster! He found out about it later and showed up and generouslyallowed me to live if I gave his stuff back which I did. (he's abloody addict I tell you!) Anyway. We kill a whole bunch of stuff. Idon't think the party truly appreciated him untill he got (using rapidreload) 3 sneak attack shots on a hard core drow chick with my +1shocking light crossbow. Each one was a critical hit! not to mentionthe sneak attack bonus hahahahahahaha! (<----maniacle laughter) wastedher good. but later on in the campain we were attacked by more drowand I was wounded pretty bad so I decided that I would retreat wisely,because afterall I didn't want to die again. So I ran into one of thetombs that we had already cleared out that was safe and I hid. Rolleda 10 but I had a bonus of +28 because of ranks/stat/cloak of elvenkind. I figured I was pretty safe. The critter decided to ignore theother 6 chars attacking it and pursued me into the cript somehowmanaged to find me (Gm + weighted dice = bad) and then I justdissapeared along with the critter. After the session the Gm informedme that indeed I was dead.... again.... and I was unrecoverablebecause there was no corpse so I should make up a new char.
6th char- Not the mad ( sorcerer 5/alienist 4) He was a creative char.I rolled really poor with him except for one stat. 10/11/10/7/13/18. Iput the 18 into charisma (duh cause he is a sorcerer) what else couldI have done with those stats short of re-rolling em because the gmsaid it wasn't an option. He was pretty cool though nice personalityand cool conjuring skills. all 7 of us ranging from lv 9-11 decided toattack a lv 16 drow wizard. (our first mistake) Most of us were in aline (our seccond mistake) at the door waiting to get in (Not me Ilearned my leason with the lightning bolt)we silenced the room, thehalf orc barbarian (what else is a half orc supposed to be) raged(duh) and bull rushed the a-hoe with his great sword, the stone giantchar ran in and flanked. I summoned a pseudo dire ape (summon monsterIV augmented with alienist) which appeared beside the wizard in thenext round and took a chunk out of him. The wizard ran out of thesilenced zone and pulled out a wand. The half orc ran after him topull him back in to the silenced zone. He had to grapple him to do it(involking an attack of an opportunity) The wizard used the wand tocast forked lightning. This brough the half orc from 90hp down to 18.The half orc however still managed to grapple mr. wizzard. the stonegiant ran it and dissarmed the wand. I ran in to the silenced zone andcast a silenced magic missile which would have gotten passed his spellresistance had he not teleported away. We began looting his chambers.I was in the library (duh) when brand saw that my miniature was stillin the main room. (because combat had finished, what am i supposed todo? move it every freeking place I go? sheesh!) and he asked me toroll for a spot and a listen check. I argued that I wasn't in the roomhe thought I was cause I had been busy looting. The guy who messed meup with the dragon by informing the gm how strong he was then saidthat the characters had already finished clearing that room and wereon to the next one and I wouldn't have stayed in the next room.(thanks!) I reluctantly agreed. I passed the spot check. (go figure) Isaw the wizard had returned to engage us again and he was looking atme. Now I assumed that the majority of spells would require a visabletarget in order to cast so I immediatly went invisable. I wasmistaken, Lightning bolt only needs a general area to cast. And so Idied yet again from a damn lightning bolt. (for those who care{if youmanaged to get this far I imagine you do care} my char had 25 hp maxand took 81 points of damage) Apparently the gm said that all that wasleft was a pile of ash and a chared outline of me on the wall. Therest of the combat went like that for most of the other people toothough. The other wizard in our party died from lightning too. Thecleric got struck with the lightning bolt that hit the other wizardand took massive damage too but luckly he had electricle resistancewhich took 30 damage off the total. This brought him to 0 so he thenspent the rest of the time that I was attending, casting healingspells on himself. I then rolled up some numbers for a new character,gave up, and left.
The new numbers I rolled were unplayable1st attempt 8/8/14/7/15/72nd attempt 11/10/10/16/9/83rd attempt 12/9/8/10/7/13/
Computer! End log.
Posted by drew at October 24, 2003 11:33 PM
***definition of sucky***
Um.... My sixth character died in gaming last night. I suck! You knowwhat? my gaming has been flawless really I am just jinxed by ladyluck. It also wouldn't help that my gm is the god of anti-fun
.1st char- Divinus Magus (mage duh) your basic wizard non specialist. Icouldn't make it to gaming one week and they put me into the back ofthe party and I was torn in half by two sphinxes. wtf!
2nd char- Aristos (sorcerer) decided that it would be neat to play asorcerer. Though I didn't get to play one very long. We went down intoa cave where we were attacked by vampires. Now, I was far away fromthe combat getting some spells ready when the vampire shot a lightningbolt though the entire party. Being a sorcerer with low hp and thefact that I suck, (suckyness gives a modifier of -5 to dice rolls) Iwas fried instantly along with all the stuff I was carrying.
3rd char- Crassius (half dragon fighter) This was my uber character.For the first time ever I had rolled an 18 in a stat roll which Iimmediatly applied to my strength. The half dragon template rocked. Ifigured I could take the 2 level penalty and go with something thatcould have whooped everyone in the party put together. However, the dm(Mr. crappy pants) decided that it was to powerful of a char, so helessened the effect of my breath weapon attack, decided that Icouldn't fly, and gave me a 3 level penalty instead. There were nowords for what I wanted to do at that point. Even so, the characterbeing a straight fighter would make it a bit better to play so I wentalong with it. So I was rockin along whoopin some ass. nothing couldstand up to my char. He could do anything, well except fly and do anacceptable breath attack. So a couple of weeks later we entered thistomb of some undead giant thingy. The stupid dwarf (played by theperson who actually informed the gm that my char might have been alittle to powerful hence involking the gm's wrath) charged at the twocorpses at the giants feet (since the giant could raise dead) He wasgoing to bring them back out of the range of the giant. Well doesn'tthe monk from our party tumble in, take the bodies, and tumble outleaving the dwarf completly useless and vulnerable. So being thecourageous person that I am (thank you) rushed in to try to save thestupid critter but I had to run around a whole bunch of stuff so Iwasn't anywhere near the dwarf, the giant, or anywhere relevent. Thenext turn was the giants, and what does it do? Logically attack thedwarf which is its most apparent threat and easiest to attack? No! Itmoves around him (wtf) and just touches me btw my touch AC is 20 (dex+ natural armor, Huzza!) Brand, the Gm, rolled a natural 20 (easy whenyou have weighted dice) and I (without being given any kind of savingthrough) became soul sucked into the stupid undead giants hand.Unrezable and unrecoverable because they couldn't figure out a way todo it. (i'm miffed with this one)
4th char- (forgot his name, you'll see why) I decided to play a thief.He was pretty good, not too bad stats. He was part of the thievesguild could bluff his way out of hell if he wanted to. He got anamazing introduction to the groop too. Something my other charactershad been lacking. they pretty much just showed up. He was releasedfrom prison on the virge of execution into the supervision of theparty because the party needed someone to do sneeky, searchy, and trapdissarmy stuff. So...The first session of gaming I'm playing him we godown into this dungeon and get finds a trap. he attempts to dissabledevice, fails, rolls a reflex save for the dart flying towards him,fails, rolls a fortitude save to resist the poison, fails by 1 point(the dc was 30 btw) and dies instantly. I now hold the record for theleast amount of gaming time on a character.
5th char- Glim Underbough (thief again) I figured that I hadn't hadenough time as a thief to actually have experienced being a thief. Iknew perfectly well how to die as a thief. Had that one covered. So Imade up as close to the last char as possible but I took the featstrong soul which gives +2 to all saving throws. I figured I neededit. This char turned out to be amazing given the brevity of his life.He managed to steal pipe weed from Elminster himself! FreekingElminster! He found out about it later and showed up and generouslyallowed me to live if I gave his stuff back which I did. (he's abloody addict I tell you!) Anyway. We kill a whole bunch of stuff. Idon't think the party truly appreciated him untill he got (using rapidreload) 3 sneak attack shots on a hard core drow chick with my +1shocking light crossbow. Each one was a critical hit! not to mentionthe sneak attack bonus hahahahahahaha! (<----maniacle laughter) wastedher good. but later on in the campain we were attacked by more drowand I was wounded pretty bad so I decided that I would retreat wisely,because afterall I didn't want to die again. So I ran into one of thetombs that we had already cleared out that was safe and I hid. Rolleda 10 but I had a bonus of +28 because of ranks/stat/cloak of elvenkind. I figured I was pretty safe. The critter decided to ignore theother 6 chars attacking it and pursued me into the cript somehowmanaged to find me (Gm + weighted dice = bad) and then I justdissapeared along with the critter. After the session the Gm informedme that indeed I was dead.... again.... and I was unrecoverablebecause there was no corpse so I should make up a new char.
6th char- Not the mad ( sorcerer 5/alienist 4) He was a creative char.I rolled really poor with him except for one stat. 10/11/10/7/13/18. Iput the 18 into charisma (duh cause he is a sorcerer) what else couldI have done with those stats short of re-rolling em because the gmsaid it wasn't an option. He was pretty cool though nice personalityand cool conjuring skills. all 7 of us ranging from lv 9-11 decided toattack a lv 16 drow wizard. (our first mistake) Most of us were in aline (our seccond mistake) at the door waiting to get in (Not me Ilearned my leason with the lightning bolt)we silenced the room, thehalf orc barbarian (what else is a half orc supposed to be) raged(duh) and bull rushed the a-hoe with his great sword, the stone giantchar ran in and flanked. I summoned a pseudo dire ape (summon monsterIV augmented with alienist) which appeared beside the wizard in thenext round and took a chunk out of him. The wizard ran out of thesilenced zone and pulled out a wand. The half orc ran after him topull him back in to the silenced zone. He had to grapple him to do it(involking an attack of an opportunity) The wizard used the wand tocast forked lightning. This brough the half orc from 90hp down to 18.The half orc however still managed to grapple mr. wizzard. the stonegiant ran it and dissarmed the wand. I ran in to the silenced zone andcast a silenced magic missile which would have gotten passed his spellresistance had he not teleported away. We began looting his chambers.I was in the library (duh) when brand saw that my miniature was stillin the main room. (because combat had finished, what am i supposed todo? move it every freeking place I go? sheesh!) and he asked me toroll for a spot and a listen check. I argued that I wasn't in the roomhe thought I was cause I had been busy looting. The guy who messed meup with the dragon by informing the gm how strong he was then saidthat the characters had already finished clearing that room and wereon to the next one and I wouldn't have stayed in the next room.(thanks!) I reluctantly agreed. I passed the spot check. (go figure) Isaw the wizard had returned to engage us again and he was looking atme. Now I assumed that the majority of spells would require a visabletarget in order to cast so I immediatly went invisable. I wasmistaken, Lightning bolt only needs a general area to cast. And so Idied yet again from a damn lightning bolt. (for those who care{if youmanaged to get this far I imagine you do care} my char had 25 hp maxand took 81 points of damage) Apparently the gm said that all that wasleft was a pile of ash and a chared outline of me on the wall. Therest of the combat went like that for most of the other people toothough. The other wizard in our party died from lightning too. Thecleric got struck with the lightning bolt that hit the other wizardand took massive damage too but luckly he had electricle resistancewhich took 30 damage off the total. This brought him to 0 so he thenspent the rest of the time that I was attending, casting healingspells on himself. I then rolled up some numbers for a new character,gave up, and left.
The new numbers I rolled were unplayable1st attempt 8/8/14/7/15/72nd attempt 11/10/10/16/9/83rd attempt 12/9/8/10/7/13/
Computer! End log.
Posted by drew at October 24, 2003 11:33 PM